Roasted Maple Seeds

Roasted what?! Maple trees already provide us with pretty much the greatest substance ever created– could their seeds taste phenomenal too? While they don’t taste exactly like maple syrup, they are nutty and abundant and best of all: free. We have two big beautiful Autumn Blaze Maples in our yard, one right next to our house overhanging the patio and covering the cement every year …

Small Batch Maple Syrup-Making: You Only Need 1 Tree!

This is our 4th year tapping trees and making our own maple syrup. And I’ll tell you a secret: the most trees we’ve ever, ever tapped is 4! And this year we only tapped 2! When there is still snow on the ground and it is too cold to do most other outdoor projects around the homestead, maple syrup making seems like the perfect activity to welcome in …

Homestead Gifts: Handmade Holiday Evergreen Kissing Ball

I love a gift straight from the heart- and this Kissing Ball is just that. I grew up on a Christmas tree farm; the trees were planted when I was about four years old, and for many years- from middle school to college, every holiday season I stood out in the cold Wisconsin weather and sold Christmas trees to happy families. They’d bring their dogs, they’d have …

Dried Wild Violet Sprinkles

I love these so much. I love everything about them. Straight from the earth, very easy to prepare- with no dehydrator or special equipment needed. Unless you consider a twist tie and a string as special equipment… Plus: no food dyes, no sugar, no additives, no gluten, no bad stuff at all. Heck, these even have some nutrients in them! Natural, organic purple sprinkles. This …

How to Hunt and Forage for Wild Asparagus

I grew up a tom-boy, with a dad who was well versed in what to eat (and what not to eat!) from the woods, the yard, and even the roadsides. Eating berries from the hillside and mushrooms from deep in the woods is one of the great pleasures in life! I suppose though, if you didn’t grow up with wild edibles, and nobody has ever …