Tomato Basil Frittata

Did you know that almost every time I make this Tomato Basil Frittata (which is pretty often), Karl goes around saying “frIIiiTTtaTTa” in his best Italian accent (which is pretty bad). Must be the scent of fresh basil getting to his head. During the winter when we were eating only preserved eggs, this frittata was all we ever had- because it is so good that we …

The BEST Way to Freeze Eggs!

Farm fresh eggs: it’s either feast or famine around here! During the long days of summer I’ve got baskets full of eggs and I’m piling them on the kitchen table, the washing machine, and any other flat surface I can find. A good problem to have, I know… And then the days get shorter and the girls close up shop. Weeks and weeks go by …

5-Minute Spinach & Feta Eggs

Spinach and Feta Eggs are my new obsession. We eat a lot of eggs on the homestead. Raising our own laying hens is so rewarding- they’re such characters, and the eggs that they produce are worlds above anything store-bought. There’s nothing like gathering an egg and cracking it – still warm- into the pan. This is what homesteading is all about! It’s really too bad …

Why Egg Yolk Color Doesn’t Matter

Egg yolk color: the great homesteader status symbol! It doesn’t matter if you have a herd of perfectly-groomed sheep, prize-winning tomatoes, a beautiful milk cow, or a pantry full of home-rendered lard, nope. The real measure of a homesteader is the color of their chickens’ egg yolks. At least that’s what I thought when I first started dreaming about raising chickens. When we got our chickens …

Rustic, Buttered-Onion Deviled Eggs

(gluten-free, paleo, grain-free, vegetarian) I think deviled eggs should always be described as rustic. Is there a food that is more homespun, wholesome, and natural than the egg? I think it would go against my morals to create fancy swirled deviled egg filling with a piping bag. Plus, that just takes too much time. Deviled eggs are already a labor of love, especially when you have to peel farm …