How to Grow Shiitake Mushrooms Video Tutorial (with Cheat Sheet!)

I love being able to grow shiitake mushrooms! It has been one of our most rewarding homestead endeavors. AND THIS VIDEO TUTORIAL WILL TEACH YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!Thorough and detailed instructions! Shiitake logs are actually pretty easy to make and the tools and mushrooms spawn are not that expensive. And shiitake mushrooms are a fantastic crop to grow in the shady parts of …

How to Grow Shiitake Mushrooms in Your Own Backyard!

I’ve always been a mushroom-lover… blame it on my upbringing. I grew up in the woods, with two generations of wild mushroom foragers before me. I’ve eaten a lot of really amazing fresh mushrooms in my life- and while I love foraging for them, it’s even better to be able to grow Shiitake mushrooms in our own backyard! Growing mushrooms has been one of our …